SPFx: "You don't seem to have a generator with the name “@microsoft\Sharepoint” installed."

  1. install the latest version of node
  2. install the latest version of npm: npm i -g npm@next
  3. run the following in your cmd window or commander window:
    call npm uninstall -g chalk
    call npm uninstall -g loadash
    call npm uninstall -g tar-fs
    call npm uninstall -g update-notifier
    call npm uninstall -g yeoman-generator
    call npm uninstall -g yosay
    call npm uninstall -g yo
    call npm uninstall -g gulp
    call npm uninstall -g @microsoft/generator-sharepoint
    call npm install -g chalk
    call npm install -g loadash
    call npm install -g tar-fs
    call npm install -g update-notifier
    call npm install -g yeoman-generator
    call npm install -g yosay
    call npm install -g yo
    call npm install -g gulp
    call npm install -g @microsoft/generator-sharepoint
  4. Done :)


sahara said…
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